Sanctuary Renovations
In preparation for our 60th Anniversary in October 2025, we have an exciting opportunity to enhance the beautification of our sanctuaries. Please click on one of the links below to find more details about these projects.
Questions & Answers
Q: Where did our crucifix go?
A: Although the 3D renderings do not depict our Lord’s body on the cross, I assure you that the same cross will remain in the sanctuary. St. Margaret Mary has two beautiful crucifixes, and the back altars aim to direct attention to our Lord on the cross. The simple reason for the absence of the corpus in the renderings is that Fr. Dan is unable to recreate His Body in the modeling software.
Q: Where will Mass be celebrated while the work takes place?
A: Since each piece will be crafted on campus, I don’t foresee moving Mass anywhere. Once one piece is finished, it will be secured in place, and the next one will begin.