Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are a necessary liturgical function by assisting priests and deacons before, during, and after the liturgy. They are chosen from volunteer candidates who are in the 3rd grade through high school and have received the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist. Altar Servers assist the celebrant at Sunday Masses, Eucharistic Adoration, and other liturgies throughout the year. For more information, contact Fr. Jorge Gomez at
Altar Society
Our altar society provides a variety of services for our liturgies. Members care for the altar linens, vestments, and sacred vessels. They make preparations for larger celebrations, such as Christmas and Easter, by collecting money for altar flowers and decorate the church for major liturgical holidays. Our altar society spreads devotion to the Blessed Mother and the Sacred Heart on First Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass by praying a Novena to the Sacred Heart along with a Rosary in the church. For more information, contact Ginger Bethancourt at
Divine Mercy
Every Friday at 3:00 p.m., we gather in the chapel to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet. All are invited to participate. Brochures are available with instructions on how to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Divine Mercy Novena. Anyone interested may contact Suzanne McCormick at 985-285-3025 or
Eucharistic Adoration
The presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is His constant gift of love and sacrifice to us. He is truly with us always. In adoration, we adore Him, praise Him, thank Him, open our hearts to Him, and listen to Him as we kneel and sit in His presence. To become a part of this divine worship you commit yourself to a specific hour of your choice which you keep weekly. You can sign up for an hour(s) by clicking HERE.
Alternatively, when you enter the chapel for an hour with Our Lord, you will find a sign-in book on the table inside the main doors. Please sign your name so the coordinator knows someone is coming in for that hour. For more information, please contact Misty Bauer at or Elizabeth Killeen by cell (985-643-3993) or at
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) offer the Body and Blood of Christ at our weekday and weekend Masses and assist in bringing Holy Communion to the homebound of our parish. Before beginning this ministry, interested persons meet for an interview with Fr. Dan. Then they must participate in a basic formation workshop conducted by the Archdiocesan Office of Worship, with a follow-up session here in the parish.
Upon completion of the training, the Archbishop then delegates them for a five-year term of service. Those who come forward for this ministry must be 18 years of age, have received the sacraments of initiation, and, if married, be validly married in the Church. Those who minister Holy Communion must be faithful to Sunday Mass and have a true devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
For more information, contact Fr. Dan at
Homebound Ministry
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Blessed Sacrament to individuals who are homebound due to surgery, illness, or inability to attend Mass at church. This ministry also extends to the terminally ill who are under Hospice care. Extraordinary Ministers visit the homebound individuals weekly and contact the church office if the person needs the Sacrament of the Sick, or wishes to see a priest for confession. For further information, please contact Linda Bertrand at 985-643-9845 or
Nursing Home Visitation
Please make a note of the following information: Each month, Nursing Home Volunteers help bring the residents of Azalea Estates, Greenbriar, Summerfield, or Lakeshore Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center together to celebrate Mass or a Communion Service. Additionally, when there is no scheduled service, an Extraordinary Minister(s) of Holy Communion provides Communion to the Catholic residents at each home. For more information, please contact Judy Dalferes at 985-645-0067 or
Lectors (Readers)
Lectors play a vital role in the Mass by reading the Word of God during weekday and weekend Masses in front of the congregation. If you are interested, please reach out to Dcn. Gil Ganucheau at
Ushers are the face of our parish. They are the first people visitors and parishioners meet as they enter the church. They play an important role in our parish by helping people feel welcome and appreciated. A friendly smile or handshake goes a long way. Ushers also assist in taking up the weekly collections at Mass, and guide parishioners in the Communion line. If you are interested, please contact Don Bastoe at