Parish Ministries

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord;”
1 Corinthians 12:4-5

There are many ways to get involved at St. Margaret Mary Parish. Stewardship is a fundamental Christian value. As you get involved, you meet others who share the same desire to serve the parish and community. You will strengthen your relationship with God by doing His work. God is the ultimate giver of gifts! We are blessed with the gifts of time, talent, and treasure and we are called to share them.

Annulment Support

The Annulment Support Group helps people who want a Catholic annulment. They provide information about the process and offer private meetings. The group also holds "Writing Workshops" to start the process and pray throughout. The sessions are led by people who are knowledgeable about annulments, including deacons and sometimes priests. Workshops include an information session and four writing sessions. During the writing sessions, staff members share their personal stories, and then give time for individuals to write. Trained advocates are available to offer guidance. For more information, please contact Rita Ekenta at 504-858-7742 or

Come Lord Jesus

Discover a ministry that inspires and supports Catholics in fully living out the Gospel message. Through weekly meetings, prayer, and scriptural study, members are molded into passionate apostolic witnesses and committed parish ministers. Our ministry provides a prayerful environment where Gospel values are honored and cultivated. It helps you to deepen your relationship with God through prayer, fosters community and fellowship, renews the lives of Catholics who initially felt too busy for spiritual growth, enriches your understanding of Scripture, and prepares you to share the treasures of your faith with others. For more information, please contact Sandra Montalbano at 985-641-4077 or

Evangelization Library

The Evangelization Library is a collection of multimedia materials available to all parishioners. The library's purpose is to promote adult Catholic education. Our collection includes more than 3,000 books, 700 videos, and 800 audio tapes, as well as access to Catholic websites. The library is run by volunteers and offers free, self-service access with a user-friendly design. The volunteer head librarian is available on Monday through Wednesday mornings and on Thursday afternoons. The library is also accessible in the evenings when the Evangelization Center is in use by other groups or ministries. A return book deposit box (night drop) is located at the entrance to the Evangelization Center for easy returns. For more information, please contact Pat Dalton at 985-643-6124 or

Fair Committee

Every year, St. Margaret Mary hosts an annual Slidell Food & Fun Fest, which is one of the largest social events in Slidell. The success of this event can only be accomplished by the collaborative work of hundreds of volunteers, volunteer leaders, and the committee. The Fair Committee meets as needed to discuss planning for the fair. For more information, please contact Rob Bywater at 985-288-7644 or

Fitness Ministry

Remember the following details: This ministry holds Step Aerobics sessions every Monday from 6-7 p.m. in the hall of the Evangelization Building. It is open to anyone aged 18 and above, regardless of fitness level. To join or for more information, please contact Kelly Rodriguez at 985-290-0836 or

Food Pantry for the Poor

The ministry meets in the vestibule to sort out the food donated over the weekend. They assemble bags of food to distribute to the poor, and they have helped hundreds of families by providing emergency food items from our food pantry. Thanks to generous donors, we can assist many people in their time of need. For more information, please contact Faith Cooper at 985-643-6884 or

Good Samaritans for the Poor (Good SAMS)

This Catholic ministry serves the poor and those coping with emergencies in Slidell, Alton, and Pearl River. Established in 1993, it is an outreach ministry of St. Luke the Evangelist and St. Margaret Mary Catholic Churches. The ministry provides help to pay bills associated with the necessities of life, including housing, utilities, and gas. There are seasonal assistance programs including School Supplies, Thanksgiving baskets, and a partnership with St. Tammany Project Christmas. Collaborating with many agencies, Good SAMS seeks to address any vetted, valid need within our community. The entire staff is comprised of volunteers working in office space donated by St. Luke Catholic Church. To volunteer, please call Good Sams at 985-641-6421.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry invites all who are interested in getting involved in serving the parish. We help in providing food and hospitality for various events at the parish, including our quarterly "donut Mass," deanery meetings, graduation receptions, etc. For more information, please contact Darlene Matthews at 985-640-1050 or

Knights of Columbus Council 2732

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic men’s service organization, with more than 1.6 million members in nearly 12,000 local councils. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service of the Catholic Church, the community, families, and young people. For more information, please contact Tommy Benasco at 985-960-1241 or

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary

The purpose of this organization is to support the Knights, promote spiritual growth and sociability among auxiliary members, and participate in charitable and civic activities. Membership is open to Catholic women over 18 years of age who are related by blood or law to a Knight in good standing, or to a deceased Knight who was in good standing at the time of his death. For more information, please contact Mary Welch at 985-265-4246 or

Lay Carmelites (3rd Order)

The Lay Carmelite Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, historically known as the Third Order Carmelites, is an association of both men and women who live according to the traditions and spirit of the Carmelite Order. Each Lay Carmelite is called to the family of Carmel to be deeply involved in following Jesus Christ and the mission of the Church. They strive to make their lives a "life of prayer" by listening to the Word and finding in Mary and the prophet Elijah the models for Christian witness in the world. The Lay Carmelite seeks God's will in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life, with love for those with whom they live and work, always in search of the face of God. For more information, please contact Mary Jo Cloud at 985-641-7905 or

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary engages in various Apostolic works each week, including visiting the sick in hospitals and their homes, inviting interested non-Catholics to information classes, providing instruction to potential converts and Catholic children in public schools, distributing Catholic literature, checking in with families to confirm whether their children have been baptized, encouraging lapsed Catholics to return to their faith, promoting membership in the Apostleship of Prayer and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in Catholic families' homes, spreading devotion to the family Rosary, and aiding converts in the practice of their faith. For more information, please contact Shirley Zavackis at 985-641-0356 or


A ministry for Catholic women was established in New Orleans on the feast of the Holy Rosary on October 7, 1981. The primary purpose of Magnificat is to provide a platform for Catholic women who have experienced the Holy Spirit working in their lives to share the good news of salvation and partake in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Annually, we hold approximately four breakfast gatherings where we recite one decade of the rosary, have breakfast, sing praise and worship songs, and listen to a speaker share their testimony of how the Lord has touched their life. For more information, please contact Debbie Callens at 985-502-0349 or

Men’s Club

The purpose of this organization is to serve the needs of the parish and school community by: 1) Forming spiritual, social, and cultural bonds with the members of the organization; 2) Establishing a line of communication between members and the community; 3) Providing service opportunities to assist in the maintenance, improvements, and upkeep of the parish and school’s physical facilities and grounds, and to conduct fundraising activities to accomplish the club’s goals; 4) Providing a liaison between the school administration and the school community to achieve our common goals; and 5) Promoting activities which enhance the St. Margaret Mary Community. For more information, please contact CJ Marrion at

Prayer Blanket Ministry

The mission of the Prayer Blanket Ministry is to create handmade lap blankets, infant, or preemie blankets filled with the power of prayer for those in need. The Prayer Blankets are sewn by dedicated and talented members of this ministry. Once the blanket is complete, it is then blessed by one of our loyal priests at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, providing healing and comfort to the recipients. All of our parishioners are invited to request a Prayer Blanket by submitting the name of a loved one who has experienced an illness. For more information, please contact Arlette Bouvier at 985-285-6941 or

Respect Life

This ministry is dedicated to promoting the Gospel of Life as proclaimed by Pope John Paul II. They work to achieve this through education, prayer, and community outreach. Anyone who would like to help promote the Gospel of Life through the teachings of the Catholic Church in obedience to the Magisterium is invited and encouraged to become active in the Respect Life Committee. For more information, please contact Mary Powell at 985-643-9547 or

Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM)

Addiction is a physical disease of the brain and a spiritual illness that disconnects an individual from themselves, loved ones, and God. The goal of SAM is to assist and support those dealing with addiction by aiding them in reconnecting with themselves, loved ones, and God. SAM offers education, referrals, and support for individuals struggling with addiction as well as their affected family members. SAM meetings take place on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month and are open to individuals of all faiths. For more information, please contact Deacon Louis Bauer at 985-640-4804‬ or

Spanish Apostolate

The Hispanic ministry at St. Margaret Mary is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth and community development through retreats, prayer groups, and Bible studies. We offer programs for sacramental preparation in Spanish, including Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and the celebration of Quinceañeras. We keep in touch with the community through social networks such as WhatsApp and text messages to announce events and maintain an ongoing dialogue with the community. Additionally, we have a permanent Prayer Network and use social media to share knowledge of the Faith. Our ministry also provides blessings for homes and spiritual support for those in need. Our growing Hispanic community gathers for Mass in Spanish every Saturday at 6:00 p.m. in the church and on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. For more information, please contact Olga Zambrano at 985-639-8176 or

El ministerio hispano de nuestra parroquia de St Margaret Mary se dedica a fomentar el crecimiento espiritual y el desarrollo comunitario a través de retiros, grupos de oración y estudios bíblicos. Ofrecemos programas de preparación sacramental en español, incluyendo Bautismo, Confirmación, Matrimonio y celebración de Quinceañeras. Nos mantenemos en contacto con la comunidad a través de redes sociales como WhatsApp y mensajes de texto para anunciar eventos y mantener un diálogo continuo con la Comunidad. Además, contamos con una Red de Oración permanente y utilizamos las redes sociales para compartir conocimientos de la Fe. Nuestro ministerio también brinda bendiciones para los hogares y apoyo espiritual a los necesitados. Nuestra comunidad hispana se reúne para misa en español todos los sábados a las 6:00 p.m. en la iglesia y los jueves a las 6:30 PM en la capilla. Para obtener más información, por favor puede comunicarse con Olga Zambrano al 985-639-8176 o

St. Francis Gardening Group

Men and women in our parish plan and implement landscaping projects to beautify our campus. Contact Lynda Donaldson at 985-285-4922 or for more information.

St. Vincent de Paul

Vincentians bear witness to God's love by actively participating in charitable and just activities. The Society works together with other compassionate individuals to alleviate and tackle the root causes of need, without discriminating against those being helped, as Vincentians see the presence of Christ in them. Our society is committed to identifying and addressing the needs of the less fortunate in our community. For more information, please contact Eddie Mitts at 985-503-3774 or

Vocations Ministry

We all have a purpose for our lives—a plan we were created to fulfill. The Vocation Ministry is here to help each of us hear God’s call for our life. Some have been called to serve God as a priest, religious brother or sister, in holy matrimony, and consecrated single life. You can only know your calling if you take the time to quietly listen and seek God. We have resources to help you grow, listen, and say yes to God’s call in your heart. For more information, please contact Amy Enright at