Dear St. Margaret Mary Parishioners,

Through much prayer and discernment, we have decided to extend our Parish School of Religion (PSR) classes to meet weekly on Sunday mornings.  This will give our children more time for catechetical instruction as well as providing an opportunity for families to build stronger relationships with others in our parish. 

PSR classes will begin on Sunday, September 8, 2024.  A more detailed schedule and times of classes are available below.

The tuition is as follows: 1 child = $40.00, 2 children = $70.00, 3 children = $ 90.00, 4 children and more = $110.00.   This covers textbooks and all supplies that a catechist may need in the classroom.  Please know that we do not want this cost to be a financial burden on your family, therefore if you are unable to make payments at this time, please let us know as we do not want anyone to be excluded from participating in this ministry. 

We sincerely thank you for allowing us to assist you in teaching your child/children about our faith. If you have any questions please contact me at or by calling 985-643-6124 ext. 4214.

Sincerely in Christ,

Kathy Gardner
Parish School of Religion Coordinator
St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church

Please click the image above to pay the registration fee.

PSR Registration